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Parent Guidance

What is parent guidance?

Often times, becoming a parent can bring on unforeseen challenges. This is especially true when your child develops atypically.

Our background and experience working with neurodivergent children allows us to support parents and families in a unique way.


In parent guidance, parents meet with a clinician and develop tools to improve their child's behavior.


Parents often leave with a greater understanding of their child's needs, more consistency, and a greater impact toward change.

How we can help...

Parent guidance is an opportunity to connect with a professional who deeply understands your family .

As a group of developmental specialists, we strive to empower parents and connect families.


​We can support parents with the following issues: 

  • Identifying neurodivergence in children 

  • Parenting with patience and grace 

  • Connecting with community resources â€‹

  • ​Navigating educational accommodations (IEP's and 504's) 

  • Parenting twice-exceptional children 

  • Parenting through challenging developmental milestones 

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